Monday, May 24, 2010

Klappsta's home

At the twins house, there are 7 pets total. (!) Ok, 4 of those are chickens and live outside, but still..
Boy twin just got a dog (Rufus). Girl twin has 2 cats (Mona and The General). One of them hates Rufus (Mona), the other is his best friend (The General). Klappsta chair came to our house and quickly became The General's napping spot.
Rufus wants to play with The General, but sadly has not learned how to use his hind legs to jump, so he just barks at him from the floor. 
We have plans to give Klappsta a cute side table and lamp, as well as an area rug and ottomon to create a nice little reading area in the living room. Right now, it's where our animals hang out.
[pictures from my phone... sorry]


  1. Wait, basically you weren't getting much done in this post.

  2. I saw this blog address on your wall. I was excited to see your house, but there wasn't a link. Get on that. Just kidding. Ella and I need to come down to see it in person (and visit you). I'm sure Ella would LOVE to see all the animals.
